Latest Infectious Disease News
FRIDAY, Aug 26, 2022 - - A full of 84 group crossed 4 states person now been made sick by E. coli, successful an outbreak perchance tied to contaminated lettuce utilized successful sandwiches sold astatine Wendy's restaurants.
"Since nan past update connected August 19, 2022, 47 much illnesses person been reported to CDC," nan U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said successful an updated connection released Thursday. That includes 53 cases successful Michigan, 23 cases successful Ohio, 6 successful Indiana and 2 successful Pennsylvania.
Illnesses from infection pinch nan gastrointestinal bacterium person often been severe.
"Thirty-eight group person been hospitalized, including 8 group successful Michigan who person a type of kidney failure called hemolytic uremic syndrome," nan CDC said, though "no deaths person been reported."
The nonstop root of nan outbreak has not been officially confirmed, but nan CDC said that successful 84% of cases group reported eating astatine Wendy's earlier they became ill.
"Of 17 group pinch elaborate accusation astir what they ate astatine Wendy's, 15 (88%) reported eating romaine lettuce served connected burgers and sandwiches," nan agency noted.
On Aug. 19, Wendy's announced that it had removed romaine lettuce from its sandwiches successful Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
"Wendy's is taking nan precautionary measurement of removing nan romaine lettuce being utilized successful sandwiches from restaurants successful that region," nan CDC said. "Investigators are moving to corroborate whether romaine lettuce is nan root of this outbreak, and whether romaine lettuce utilized successful Wendy's sandwiches was served aliases sold astatine different businesses."
Romaine lettuce sold successful market stores does not look to beryllium affected, nan CDC said, and group tin still eat astatine Wendy's and eat nan romaine lettuce successful nan salads it sells. Wendy's explained successful a connection that nan lettuce utilized successful its salads is not nan aforesaid arsenic that utilized successful its sandwiches.
"We are afloat cooperating pinch nationalist wellness authorities connected their ongoing investigation of nan location E. coli outbreak reported successful definite midwestern states," nan institution said. "While nan CDC has not yet confirmed a circumstantial nutrient arsenic nan root of that outbreak, we are taking nan precaution of discarding and replacing nan sandwich lettuce astatine immoderate restaurants successful that region."
Most group pinch an E. coli infection "start emotion sick 3 to 4 days aft eating aliases drinking thing that contains nan bacteria," nan CDC said. "However, illnesses tin commencement anyplace from 1 to 10 days aft exposure." Illnesses typically past from 5 to 7 days.
What to Do:
- Watch for symptoms of terrible E. coli, which see diarrhea lasting much than 3 days aliases diarrhea accompanied by a fever higher than 102°F, bloody diarrhea, vomiting and a deficiency of urination.
- If you suffer from these symptoms, telephone your expert immediately.
- Keep way of what and wherever you ate successful nan week earlier you sewage sick and study it to your section aliases authorities wellness department.
More information
For much connected nan outbreak, caput to nan U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
SOURCES: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, news release, Aug. 25, 2022; Wendy's, statement, Aug. 19, 2022
By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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